Removal Service
Removal Service

waste collection and disposal

Already Property Services - rubbish collection in and Surrounding areas

Already is Registered with the Environment Agency as Upper Tier waste carrier in Devon.


Registration number


Environment Agency website – check us out – Search for a registered waste carrier

As well as offering House Clearances we also offer in Waste removal and collection – bulky waste collection and disposal service of all types of waste in a part load or full load capacity in and around and all surrounding areas




We can collect and dispose of-

  1. Mattresses and Settees

  2. Loft insulation (We can bag and remove)

  3. Electrical waste (Collection on same day for TV'S, Monitors, Fridges, we only can collect waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) during PCC transfer station opening hours) We may need notice or book an appointment.

  4. General waste – Black bagged waste

  5. All kinds of Wood waste – including doors and old kitchens after refitting new

  6. We are a – Licensed by Council / we recycle

  7. Green waste, small trees and shrub removal and disposal – please ask as its is seasonal

  8. Rubble - (Clean rubble) must be uncontaminated from plaster and wood and glass (all separated). We can separate however this will take time and will be priced as mixed waste and charged accordingly

  9. Plaster board and Gypsum materials

  10. Sorry we do not collect – over weight – wet waste or handle asbestos, harmful paint tins or gas bottles.

From a full house clearance, garage clearance, shed clearance, loft clearance or a single item call us today on – (we have a duty of care, waste transfer notes are always given)


We try to recycle back all waste to its own waste stream, this can help make less impact on the environment and reduce landfill.


A Helpful suggestion for waste collections and disposal


Due to waste legislations we may have to separate waste to take directly to the WASTE TRANSFER STATION - (final destination point) for example fridges and freezers directly on the same day to save additional costs of a hazardous waste transfer note.


Waste has to be separated these days plasterboard from rubble due to gasses produced damaging the Ozone and contamination of soil, wood from mixed waste and placed into its own waste stream to save extra charges, ferrous metal is dead weight due to scrap prices falling drasticly unless extremly heavy.


It is a good idea to have waste ready for collection and already separated, our time is money.


We can put it all together and bill a mixed load for the lot, its not a problem however that will of course slow us down and prehaps cause disapointment to other clients expecting services on the day and additional cost for works.


Waste should also be placed at a reasonably easy collection point if we have to collect from all aspects of a property this will also occur extra time and cost.


We of course will reserve the right to help people genuinely that can not, with leniency of costings.



City Council waste collection general help and information

EU Waste codes







Already Property Services







APS original website

 City Council